Friday, June 26, 2009

rumbles and grumbles.

  1. bengawasolo cake is dry and really eekkyy
  2. some pple just lack the leadership and confidence
    (regardless how old they r or how clever they may be)
  3. ice-cream + cornflake is not a good combo
  4. mothers tend to be really naggy
  5. my mom is certainly a type A personality (ok, me too)
  6. people are often too polite to be nasty
  7. my over concern and expectation is a killer (killing me)
  8. my total disengagement after any event of disappointment is not good for my social life
  9. i am too rigid and too full of myself at times
  10. i am not really very helpful and friendly
    (so stop PISSING me off & stop think i am the expert!!!)
  11. pay is good, nursing isn't
  12. people are kind in nature but things just go really wrong along the way
  13. electric violin is good and damn cool
  14. going according to the instructed is way more tougher than doing the disapproved way
  15. i rather score lower but is answerable to my conscious
  16. everyday is a new learning experience

a few things happened over the past 48 hrs that make me BOIL but for my personal mental health i had let it be but its still fuming within. trying to do my couseling assignment but hitting nails and thumbtacks along the way. thankfully my Hb is 12 enough for my to bleed for a long time before collapsing! lol...

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