Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby EP had a great fall

My 16 mths old had a great fall. Landed on her chin I think and she bled fresh blood from her mouth. It's terrible and she screamed like crazy. My back was facing her and I didn't see it happen. All I heard was her crying and her dad scooped her up. I took over cuz daddy looked totally lost and she was just screaming non-stop with blood oozing out from her mouth. Baby ep tried to wipe away her blood only to result smearing it all over her hands and face. With all the blood and stuff I managed to calm her and did whatever I thought was right. I thought I was going to panick and cry silly but an inner voice said to be strong cuz baby will mirror my reaction. Instead of holding back tears and having a red nose, I surprised myself by being totally logical and may I say professional?! Gosh... Nursing had trained me well huh? I tried to be all weepy much later after all was resolved but nope can do. Now it had been a good 12 hrs post baby ep's trauma and she seems ok. Although she is still not allowing anyone to touch her swollen gums or even opening her mouth long enough for us to take a good look at it, I am sure God has her covered and is watching over her. Thank God for the strength and courage. Amen.