Wednesday, June 17, 2009


this is great just great... my bld result is back and my T4 is high although my TSH is normal. Hb is great 12. great just great... i finally find the reason for my

"alertness" (insomnia)
Increased bowel movements
Light or absent menstrual periods
Fast heart rate
Trembling hands (some days only)
Warm moist skin
Hair loss
Staring gaze

these are the s/s of hyperthyroidism. what a joke! none of my family members has it and i don't have that classic physical features. my eyes aren't popping out, my hands aren't shaking all the time and i don't have a enlargen gland!

my take is that my hectic work demand on the job (esp) is killing me slowly. screwing my glands and driving me in a weird human. babies making can be a gone case totally if i am going to have to be on med.

treatment as for as a train RN (me) can tell is- med til the s/s are controlled, no seaweeds, no seafood and preferably no babies. how now? the road ahead seems rather dark. well.... welcome to darkness i suppose.... this is where luke's lao bei turns into darth vader

1 comment:

sheaumeiloh said...

Did a search on your condition and realised that it is not a severe problem if early detection was made. For more info, refer to Btw, one benefit of this condition is weight loss... sounds good.