Tuesday, February 12, 2008


death, i think i prefer it over birth. i am no sadist. just that living is pure suffering sometime if we think abt it in detail. yet the werid part of it is that most of us actually enjoy living (aka suffering)! i am no stranger to death, i had seen how pple get ill-> turned bad -> die. this process is as natural as how flowers bud and bloom but eventually wither. its a cycle.

why do i prefer death? i like it cuz its definite. its a STOP to everything. although spiritually its another story. but its predictable. u see the person grasping for air/ vomitting blood/ slip into coma and u know the end is near. but the road to the eventual FULLSTOP is tiring and frustrating! the pain, the suffering, the concerns and worries and the fear. nursing those dying make me want to help them die! haha... no worries... although i had expressed my keen-ness for euthanasia i will not do the unlawful!

just some random thots...

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