Monday, September 17, 2007

what does "loving you" means?

every now and then i will recall this Internet passage that i read somewhere, somehow. but it had been so long ago that i can't remember when and how i got the passage.

the story started with 2 persons. man and woman married each other out of passionate love for each other. the initial years were full of challenges however love seems to conquers all mistakes and unpleasant happenings. or perhaps we could call it the blinding effect of love.

however as the marriage life progress from its initial honeymoon period to its maintenance period. man and woman had increase tension and was found to be quarreling more than before. woman felt that man was loving her lesser and lesser. she seems to be gifted to spot very little mistake and bad habit of man. to name a few - leaving the toilet seat up everything he was done with the toilet and often not flushing after he had pee-ed. the way man would eat his sandwich and causing bread crumbles to fall all over the table.

woman felt frustrated simply having to clean after man every time he is done with his business. the simple presence of man would stress woman out, having to anticipate how she had to clear after man.

came 1 fine day. woman could take it no longer and broke out in angry and resentment. she screamed at man and told him that she could no longer carry on living with man; she wanted out of this relationship. however with every angry word she said, sadness clouded the speech and hot tears rolled down her cheeks. it was clear that woman was still feeling but... man wanted to save the relationship and he wanted woman to stay with him til "death do them apart". both agreed to allow time for them to cool down before approaching this issue of separation again.

finally man and woman sat down and decided to find a way to salvage their years of marriage. each took a piece of paper and decided to write down the things that they wanted the other to understand or change in order for their relationship to work out. woman started writing with much zest. while man started slow. however after 30 minutes woman had ran out of topics to write. she turned and saw man still diligently writing with no sign of stopping. another 30 mins past, man was still writing now into his 2nd piece of paper.

woman thought "why did he had so much to write? he must be really unhappy with me." then she started to sniff, followed by a soft sob which then turned out to be a great loud wailing. man stopped, taken by surprise, looked up puzzled and asked woman why she was crying. woman stood up walked over to man and snatched his pieces of paper... reading the words written all over the paper, woman cried even louder than ever. on those papers where these words "I LOVE YOU".

on reflection... woman was picking on man for everything he did, she was seeing him through her brain, while man was seeing her through his heart- filled with loving adoration for her. the perfect setting for a relationship because i love thus i will look past your imperfection.

but then you may argue that the reason why man wrote "I LOVE YOU" instead of listing the stuff that he dislike of woman is because... man always try to "siam" through trouble by 'buying" or "sweet talking" their way out! so its of little wonder why man wrote that 3 words! and of cuz... what else can/ dare man comment of woman!? after all woman are always right and perfect! LOL... =P

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