Sunday, September 9, 2007

lost wt?!

had lunch with my in-laws today. and we chatted a bit here and there. for some weird reason i don't really enjoy chatting with them. =P but i like to listen to the conversation. in order to get me to contribute my mom-in-law shifted to the topic of losing wt! LOL...

someone make a comment to her during one of the relative's recent wedding that i had lost some wt. hahaha... guess what was my reply?! "huh? not really. i don't think so. perhaps that's because the last she saw me was during the chinese new year." and thank God the topic shifted to my hubby.

aiyo... the topic of lossing weight, gaining it or how to do the both make it all sound so BIMBOTIC!! yes...yes it does! its almost as HIMBOTIC to hear guys discuss how to make their muscle cuts sharper and stuff. *faint* but then again... vanity rules the world isn't it? *sigh*

maybe next time we should start our causal conversation with "hi there. how's ur bowel movement recent? still smooth and everyday?!" LOL... that will be so awkward and funny!! =P

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