Friday, January 30, 2009

wow... really?

wow.. my boss see me so up sia... recently i went for the code blue sort of course and i told my boss that i enjoyed it. she seemed amazed that i was not feeling stress but rather filled with interest and excitment. i applied for my post basic diploma (also known as the specialist diploma) which means this would eventually be the single path i will be walking in now. my boss asked me why didn't i consider other courses? although she also think its too late for us to be discussing about it, i had applied and so my fate is sort of sealed in that sense. i thought she meant to ask why no genro (study abt the aged), i told her i don't like dealing with old people. well...actually its too painful to deal with dementia people and old, weak, sick people. i hate it when i have to use 'force' on them in order for them to follow instruction, tie them to the bed so that they don't do anything silly eg.pull their plug, tubes, jump out of bed and fall, etc. i hate it when i have to keep reminding them not to scratch themselves til they bled or do this and that. i found myself reasoning with them and trying to make them understand but.... like it works with a 2 or 3 yrs old!? it never works!!! argh.... *pull hair*

anyway back to the topic, my boss said she meant why didn't i opt for critical care since i found that code blue thing interesting. i might like it there. my answer was that was not part of my long term plan plus i think i am too old for such excitment. =P a critical care nurse will forever be a nurse at most a nurse practioner? but once she/he is old and slow his wisdom and experience are better off as a textbook material. either he/she teaches in school or the clincal area, he is really not much of a use (i think). cuz these area does not requires much patient contact, once patients are well enough to be talking and calling for attention, they are send out to High Dep. or general ward. thus thus... my idea of travelling the world to serve the needed or setting up my own com.hosp. certainly does not fit in any of those training. good to know in case needed but as a nurse everyone SHOULD know what, its thought in school leh. but to go in-depth...err... not my cup of tea lar...

still...i am glad that my boss thinks so highly of me. heehee... the only downside of my decision to go for this opt is that its too general so it may means that i am going to be jack of all trade but master in none and if i don't seek to improve myself more i may end up neither here nor there. hopefully it will never be so. =(

after this course, i intend to take up part-time pallative dip. and ,if God so willing, specialise in wound management. =)

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