Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life skill course for nurses

wow... i enjoyed myself despite the stress involved. you see, we need to sit for a theroy and practical test at the end of the course thus the stress. the amount of stuff that i learnt is however far greater than the stress involved! no doubt it was just a refresher course for what i had learnt in my final year as a nursing student, it was in greater detail! afterall my last months as a student nurses was more of a relax, fun-loving mood since we all knew that part of the teaching is not directly involve in our passing grade. =)

yet now as a real staff on the ground, i realised the importance of knowing the right thing and doing the right thing at the right time. it become increasing important to know when to pronounce a person BYE-BYE at least (since my ward is usually not very action intensed place).

after the course i learnt how to read the EGC slip, what drugs to give and how, when to defib a person and how much and the greatest fun was how to intubate a person! although we will be doing none of the above in our actual ward, who knows?! maybe 1 day, it will come a time when nurses will be given the power and autonomy to function in that role when there is a delay in the medical team response? or maybe i may be recurited into a code team? =)

i love learning new things and it seems that if i transfer to A&E and ICU these will be part and parcel of the everyday work. =) would i consider doing so? hmm... i don't think so for the time being but i am REALLY looking forward to my advance dip in med-surg. if i am rejected, i will be REALLY REALLY upset. =( and if that really happens, i can't say for sure what i will do in reaction to that news. cuz from my point of view, i do have a rather positive track-record but of cuz there will always be people out there which are clever and longer in service than me that deserve the placement more than me. =(

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