Thursday, September 4, 2008

help is great!

its the season of students! =) yipee ya ya yo! we are having at least 2 students per shift, per room and its great! with the extra help at hand we can get things done faster and better. i get to shower the dirtiest patient (in my view) today! and still managed to get everyone to go for break!! i am so elated!

although the 1st year girls are still blur like sotong and excited over getting their skill signed. they are generally good for attending call bells. skills and reaction can be cultivated over time but hopefully not over too long a time! but since they are students no point killing them byb expecting the sky from them (in fact some of our own staff can't provide the sky lor). but i have the tendency to want to train them ready to be a staff nurse. they are going to be one anyway, unless they decide to forgo that 3 years of hardwork? so i push them a little along the way. since i look naturally grumpy, i think they are rather fearful of me (in all the wrong way!!).

i pity the NP students.they education doesn't equip them with the stress ahead as a proper staff nurse. regardless of them wanting to be 1 or not they have to pass their final posting and be able to take cases but... they aren't ready!!! 3rd years girls are terrible! they are still like kidos!! not steady enough and simple things also can't handle. making things worst they 'mother hen' is pecking in all the wrong places!! instead of focusing on the skill (which students don't get much of the hands on in school) she is doing theory teaching and trying to make them critical think!! huh?!?! without the ability to assess the patient and do the necessary skill to save the patient, critical thinking is what chinese would say "talk about war on paper only". i got my fair share of pulling my hair the other day and today was cyn.'s turn. she really wanted to KILL the 'mother hen' sia. haha...

this is the FINAL posting for the 3rd yr girls before their PRCP so i have no idea why the lecturer is pushing them to take cases!?!?!?! they will have plently of time for that. they OUGHT to brush up on their basic care and skill in this FINAL posting before PRCP wat! if i am going to a kido for her PRCP and she is like this kind of pattern... i pity her!! i will surely whack her up and down, left and right sia! can't do basic care how are you going to lead your junior!??!?!?! *faint*

NYP rulez... the lecturers in NYP are going a great job training the kidos there. hopefully the standard remains. with the upcoming duke i wonder which school will provide better students. hmm... i really wonder.

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