Thursday, September 25, 2008


find me weeping over a silly drama is such simply and common thing but see me weeping while watching a documentary? hmm... possible but not so common. that was what i did. i was sniffing and the next thing weeping.

it is pure heartaching to see little helpless babies wailing in the hospital of china. their wounds are still fresh from operation. the medical staff had to advise the parents/ grandparents to try to keep the child from crying too hard cuz it will delay healing or cause the stitches to be 'ripped' opened by the intensed muscle contraction. but how to stop it? baby sad, baby cry. baby sick, baby cry. baby bored, baby cry. how to stop them from crying.

and because its sept, the harvesting season in the farming area; lot of farmer parents sacarificed their daily earning to travel miles and miles to seek medical attention but the hospital is too pack and busy to attend to all these tired and poor farmers. the only advise to them was to wait, stay a day or two til its their baby's turn. but how?? there isn't anymore space in the hospital to house them! rent a motel room? its so pricey in the town and they are already losing money with each hour spent away from their farm! it was reported that many parents will travel back to the rural area on that same day forsaking the treatment. a lady was interviewed, she didn't cry but her eyes were red. her son was bloated and had not been able to pass urine for days and had not been able to eat much too. her hubby is in harbin working while she tend to the farm with her in-laws. she had no extra cash to spend on lodging but her son's health is at stake. at this point, i could bear watching no more and change the channel.

having a baby is tough enough for some couples and when they do have 1 they treasure it with the best they can offer within their means. milk formula for years had been embraced as the 'better' and more quality assured milk, at least it was how it was marketed in the 70s. working mom's saviour and the baby's best food. bought in by the marketing tactis tons of parents chose milk formula over their own breastmilk. years after years, generation beyong such idea is still deeply entrenched in the mind of plenty. but such betrayal! it's unforgiveable!!

those chinese are really too much! is money more important than life? its innocent lives!! not one or two but billions of babies! if it was about world domination then why poision our own countryman's offspring?! such crime is more terrible than those japanese during WWII - knifing little babies! at least it was 1 at a time, this... its million of lives with just 1 simply batch of factory made milk formula!

now even the adults are affected, all dairy products, biscuites and other stuff. win lor... is that what they want? to win and to kill?? i am a chinese although not from china, i know how chinese view money, wealth and power- we are greedy lot we want more and nothing is enough. just enough is never enough thus chinese are striver. we strive to be better and to earn more but...but... far beyond moeny and wealth...aren't we all brought up with the influence of Confucius teaching of loving and respecting nature and the human race?! oh... perhaps the communist had successfully brain wash away religious and ancient teaching during its heydays?!?! this is what you get from rising up a nation without moral teaching and religious believe! what will mr mao say in times like this, i wonder....

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