Thursday, April 29, 2010

blood types

i was reading somewhere ( and anywhere on the world wide web of cuz!) that there are actually more than the A, B, AB, O types of blood groups in the world. The problem is those other 'minority' are or had been 'killed off' in the stages of 'revamping' human race.

not surprising really. considering the rule of nature 'the survival of the fitness' ya? so those 'incapable' of reproduction just have to die off naturally. plus those genetically unwell and pro to sickness. those that survived the risked of being killed off must now preserve their life well, inter-breed for purer blood? nah... it was written that those pure breed doggies suffer from congenitical heart disease or some sort of sinuses problem. so purer may not mean better species huh? so what should be the solution?

maybe 1 unified blood type? then we will have no problem with blood bank's low stock problem? and everyone can donate their blood, marrow and even organs to anyone else. life will be simpler and gosh! i sound so communist. perhaps that idea isn't too bad but the execuation of that idea will be totally bad. afterall power corrupts ya?


Winking Doll said...

Nah, I would still like the diversity of life and our species. If I had a choice, the multiple blood types will stay, but a means to "wash" any blood so that all donated blood can be used on anyone. Hmm, even better would be "synthetic blood" (made from stem cells) that would be suitable for anyone anytime. Ha ha, what a dreamer!

estlxlan said...

@ w.doll
maybe that day will come sooner than we except it. when that happens, maybe it will be listed as a ward stock too?!

Winking Doll said...

Yay, ward stock universal blood items! Maybe don't even need to be hospitalized, just get your blood top-up at your nearest GP. Ha ha!