Tuesday, May 19, 2009

@ random

i reserve my rights to talk about anything i want to. just a random statement. =)

headache.. not a figure of speech but literally that. wonder why my ICP is raised. perhaps not enough sleep. school is finally getting interesting... after the heart system... everything else is interesting!!! heehee... we had a lecture on brian and the lecturer is damn cool. i like everything about her- her style of teaching (clear and straight to the point), her poise, her dressing, etc. the lung had been interesting too but i felt too much had been poured into the heart system. maybe its a compensation for those coming from the cardio-thoraxic area- such a specialise and important area but there isn't any specialised cert. for this group of tanlets.

my body is aching. my assignment is due but the bit of writting up my assignment is a terrible. i hate to write. despite my desire and goal to be an APN which requires at least a master degree, i think i will be happy to settle for less? argh... age is a factor, my unwillingliness to write more assignment another and of cuz money is yet another. my dream of having my own practice/ medical home is seemingly going to brust. if only i had firmed out my goals still the day i was born wasn't it great? yet we human can't make up our mind on what we want and spend time skirting round the real important stuff til it too late.

the back of my neck hurts and sometime i can even feel my brain going into a spasm. heehee.. if i ever stroke out during my course of study will i still have to pay back the bond deed? lol.. getting old is no joke man! too many health issue to worry abt... i am still in denial stage, thus explain the mindless eating. =_=

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