Thursday, February 7, 2008

leap year

oh... 29th feb is always filled with this mystical aura. some people said those borne on that date are ill-fated, cursed children. afterall who would loves to celebrate their birthdays once every 4 years? plus there had been some tales about how this data had been associated with earthquaks, volanco eruption and stuff. yet there had been novels and stories written about how people of different backgrounds and culture romantically met on such a special and unique date and then fell in love, got married and stuff. honestly every day such things happen but just because its 29th feb these interesting things seems to be highlighted.

this yr 29th feb a new movie will be screened.

i like the male lead in this movie. i 1st saw me on a thai movie, i think his name is Ananda Everingham . i read somewhere that he acted on "shutter" too.

the movie which got me 'hooked' on him - me...myself (recommended by a fellow blogger)

i think Ananda Everingham looks a little like our local Gumit Singh!

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