Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kmovie- Changing Partners(2007)

just watched a Korean movie, by accident. interesting to bump into it by accident. was actually watching some taiwanese variety show and then saw this korean movie's trailer. since it features the actress from "get karl" and the actor from "sweet 18" i decided to watch it. and i did.

Changing Partners Trailer

the story talks abt how 2 couples got into a fling and they eventually went into adultary with each other's spouses. although only 1 pair had the actual intercourse, while the other pair didn't. the other pair to me was just as gulity. they are gotten so emotionally involved with each other that to me was almost like they were dating. of cuz the other pair which was involved both emotionally and physically had be boiling mad at some point. but the characters were all goody-goody sort so... it was hard for me to hate anyone of them.

i pity the woman who refused to step pass the line to get involve physically with the other guy cuz she was mindful of her marriage and she rejected the temptation by saying she can't live without her hubby only to find out next that her hubby had cheated on her. and damn it! not only did her hubby later confessed to her and broke her heart, she took him back and even propose they should have a baby?! although nobody (technically so) knew of the 4's relationship, as in who was cheating on who... the truth reveal itself later at the end.

the scene where the 2 women fell into the river had me panicked for a while. yes, both the men jumped into the water but what if... 2 men decided to save the same woman?! but thanksfully none of that happened. so the outcome was that all 4 of them went their separent ways (left their spouse) but didn't get together. much later... they met again at a funneral of a common friend's dad's. their feeling were pretty much the same so they went on to pursude the 'forbidden' love only that now its all legal and right...

it led me to think of a few things. its true that a married couple normally won't get to feel all excited seeing each other as much as their dating time. but does that means love is gone? does getting use to each other means that there is no more passion in the marriage? just because someone comes along and offer excitment and newness to the monotone life does that means she/he is the one that you should be with?!

i seriously think its all crap to think that the new person is THE one. cuz maybe after 5 to 7 yrs with THE (new) one, another new person may pop in and will that be the end of the 2nd relationship and the start of the 3rd?! its all a misconception!!! in our search of happiness, i think many had lost the real meaning of happiness and joy. thus with all those martial problems. of cuz there are real issues but if we shift thru them how many are due to such wrong thinking (aka self thots)? *sigh*

from the movies that i had watched so far, korean seems to be very open abt such issue of affairs and adultary. is it a reflection of an open society or something more than that? hmm...

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