Thursday, January 31, 2008

movie price hike!

its so sad... cathay is going to up their cinema price from feb onwards. if every cinema follow suit it will be pushing more people towards either buying/rent (legal/ illegal) vcd/dvd rather than watching it on the big screen or causing more people to travel to malaysia JB to watch movies.

afterall movies unlike food, its not something we need to satisfy our desire/ body with- STAT. we can plan and then schedule it to fit our timing, company and even budget! and if all fail... there is always the internet to fall back on.

to spend $10 on a movie for a mere 2 hrs? excuse me, i would rather watch the movie 1 month later in in the comfort of my home with my friends and family while spending perhaps lesser than that amount! concerning the benefits of watching the movie at home is plenty! i can pause, rewind or fast forward parts of the movie to customerise to my needs and fancy. i can pop into the toliet, sit/ lie on the chair/bed and i can even watch it in my pajamas! while the only disadvantage may be the reducation of the sound system, the effect and the lapse in time between the release vs me watching it. wat??

why do i watch movies? cuz i think the story interest me. just like reading a book, does it matter if i read a book on the day of its release or 3 yrs after? if its good, i will still like it wat? so... the only reason for me to watch movie in the cinema is... since not all of the movies are cut into dvd/vcd so if i miss it, i will miss it forever. but if the price really hike to $10/ movie. honestly i will just forget abt movies altogether and pick up a book. afterall lots of good movies are adopted from good books.

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