Thursday, October 18, 2007

long break-watching drama

this long break had me drooling over some pretty faces. can't spell their names cuz my hanyu pinying is damn poor. but they are the casts from the TVB drama series call "the drive of life".

1st watched some episodes on Utube and then the uploader stopped. so i went elsewhere to search for it. but the uploading was slow too. really can't blame them. who on earth really have nothing better to do than to copy and upload? waste time, energy and money and even run the risk of being sued!

i loved the show so much that i went to the tvb rental shop to rent it! its a total of 60 episode and i finished it! =) if korean drama is famous for its lovey dovey-i got cancer plot. then hongkong drama ought to be famous for its cunning, witty 1/2 unexpected twisted plots! i love watching these cantonese drama in its orginal voice! although its 60 long episodes, each episode had a life of its own! its not even draggy! the next best drama next to "the kinship (zhen jin)" =) watch it and get hook!!

The Drive of Life - 歲月風雲 theme song

The Drive of Life - 歲月風雲 trailer

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